Since I haven't done cheaper greener tips in a while, now seems like an appropriate time to revive that practice and give you all something to gnaw on. Oh, and click the piggy to see what everyone else is saying about this economic catastrophe.
Cheaper Greener tips- come on people, pinch those pennies!
*STOP eating so much meat! Meat is relatively expensive and we greedy Americans on average eat way more than we should. Even cutting back by eating meatless a few nights per week can make a significant difference in your grocery bill and your health. There are plenty of other protein sources that are cheaper and better for you. Try cooking with tofu, beans, or nuts. Or stretch a little bit of ground beef with lentils. I made enchiladas the other night using a mixture of ground turkey and lentils--they were delicious!
*STOP buying paper products (well, maybe toilet paper is okay- I'm not THAT hardcore!)
Trade your disposable diapers and wipes for cloth ones, instead of tissues, use a hanky, use real plates instead of paper, no more napkins or paper towels--you can buy cloth ones cheap! use reusable containers with lids instead of plastic baggies/wrap for everything.
*STOP making so many trips everywhere--it is a waste of gas and time! Plan ahead and do all your errands on one day. Make a list so you don't have to go back to the grocery store to get things you forgot.
*GET ORGANIZED! If you're living in chaos, it's easy for bills to get lost in the clutter and not get paid on time--which costs you extra. When you're not organized, you end up buying more of things you already have. If you're looking for cleaning inspiration, (or a kick in the rear) check out For financial inspiration (and a plan to get out of debt, try
And a photo of the cutie for good measure:
I found you through Kristin's site and before posting about it, I thought I'd go through and comment on all the blogs she listed, as well as those who left comments! So I'm in!!!
I'm leaving comments for everyone who commented on Kristen's post. :) It's the least I can do! Great tips you threw in there (and an adorable babe!)
He is a cutie!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
Green and frugal can often go hand in hand. My garden is providing us with good food and less money spent on groceries. My compost means we produce less garbage, buy no fertilizer.
Just me again. Do you read The Lean, Green family? She's at
I'm here blogging the recession! You've got a great site!
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